Friday, September 02, 2005
I'm just a fucking pillow, and even I care more about the people of New Orleans than our president does!
Here are the details of the generous people rallying to help New Orleanians out of hell. If you don't want your name on this list, please let rabbit know and she'll change it to initials or a pseudonymn, your choice. I'll even put a proud non-honky label by your name, for those of you that aren't butt-white and ugly like most of us around here.
These numbers aren't here to show off our generosity, they're here to inspire everyone out there to give what they can. You know what? Fuck that, they are here to show off our generosity, however small and pathetic in the big scheme of things it might be. Together, we can make a very significant contribution - that's the whole point, to watch our collective efforts grow.
Just look at all these people who did one small good thing today. You don't have to be rich to do something small and good. If furry animals and inanimate objects can rally to help the people of New Orleans, so can you! It's OK to give $20! If you take time to read stupid blogs like this one, you're probably not the most ambitious, wealthy person on the planet. Just try to give enough that it hurts ever so slightly.
Rabbit $100
Dr Bray $100
Sharren Bates $200
Happy Reb $200
Troy Underwood $100
-------------------------------- $700 9/2 8:50 am
Katie Dodd $100
Amy Southwood $100
Andrea Russell $75
--------------------------------- $975 9/2 8:58 am
Ken Basart $100
Jeff Soloman $25
Matt Welch &
Emmanuelle Richard $100
--------------------------------- $1200 9/2 10:16 am
Courtney Shiley $100
Kris Homsher $100
Brenda & Mike Landis $75
Eric Wasik $100
--------------------------------- $1575 9/2 12:48 pm
CV $100
Troy Page & Ilona Wolsch $500
David Diamond $25
--------------------------------- $2200 9/2 1:04 pm
Bonnie Bills $100
Lucas & Clare Vogel $200
--------------------------------- $2500 9/2 1:50 pm
Katherine Palmer $350
Rico Gagliano $100
Scott Davis $50 2 pm
Laura Banks $200
Richard Banks $200
Jennifer Rowland $25
--------------------------------- $3425 9/2 3:55 pm
Wendy McClure $100
Erik Liekoski $200
Caroline McGraw $10
Drew Pearce $50
Pieter Kaufman $100
The Graysons $100
Elizabeth Chen $50
Atsu Kagawa $20 non-honky!
Erika Nanes $25
--------------------------------- $4080 9/2 7:05 pm
Colin Smith $100
Ken Layne & Laura Crane $100
Skef $100
John Bomberger $100
Samir Mehta $500
Wayside D $250
David Priddy $25
Liz Morrison $100
--------------------------------- $5355 9/3 11:59 am
Cayce Dumont $280
Communicatrix $400
Cycat $200
KB $50
Sam Larson $250
Annie Freel $250
--------------------------------- $6785 9/3 4:55 pm
Ben Sullivan $100
Kate Mordarski $125
Bill Crompton $100
Sad Cajun Girl $100
Brandon Fox $100
Tina Ricks $50
--------------------------------- $7360 9/3 11:03 pm
Austin Clemens $30
Mr. & Mrs. Whoring Sea Donkey $100
Jill Dunham $100
David $100
--------------------------------- $7690 9/4 1:25 pm
Chrissy Gonzalez $100
Kevin McKenzie $150
Doe $50
Valerie $50
Ben Miller $50
Steve Smith $75
Grace Walker Monk $100
--------------------------------- $8265 9/4 10:24 pm
Nancy Rommelmann $50
Mr. & Mrs. Whoring Sea Donkeys $150
Chris Baiotta $100
Jan Bieschke $100
Josh & Cam Larios $200
--------------------------------- $8865 9/5 1:59 pm
Harry Schuhmacher $200
Susan Murray $100
Adam Lichtenstein $75
Randy Griffith $200
Humberto $100
Maggie Breslin $50
Stuart & Halsey $300
--------------------------------- $9890 9/5 8:15 pm
Robin Whiteside $5,000
Angela and Duncan Wright $100
Bob, Elizabeth & Samantha $2,500
--------------------------------- $17,490 9/5 10:30 pm
Anita Crane $200
Katherine Turner $50
Janet Dyrek $100
Temple Lentz $100
Brendan Clarke $100
--------------------------------- $18,040 9/7 6:53 pm